Category: Altissimo
Posts about playing “high notes”
Altissimo Articulation and Harmonics
in AltissimoAltissimo Tonguing, focusing on notes above high E. Debbie demonstrated alternate fingerings for F# and G, and used the concept of harmonics (partials) to explain why these fingerings make it easier to tongue scale passages. Originally recorded December 28, 2019. Read more
Altissimo Techniques and Challenges
in AltissimoEmma Johnson talks about the altissimo register of the clarinet as part of the series of classes she gave for (The book is no longer available.) She discusses the challenges and techniques involved in playing high notes, using Schubert’s “Shepherd on the Rock” as an example. Read more
People/Orgs: Emma Johnson -
Clarinet High Notes 101, Part 1: Approaching altissimo
in AltissimoMichelle Anderson, founder of Clarinet Mentors, presents a 3-part series on Clarinet HIgh Notes. Part 1 (this video) is intended for the player just starting to explore altissimo. Parts 2 and 3 in the series cover more advanced techniques. Read more
People/Orgs: Michelle Anderson -
Clarinet High Notes 101, Part 2: Exercises to correct bad habits
in AltissimoMichelle Anderson, founder of Clarinet Mentors, provides training exercises to correct common bad habits while playing in the altissimo register. Read more
People/Orgs: Michelle AndersonTags: harmonics -
Clarinet High Notes 101, Part 3: Altissimo voicing and the half-hole technique
in AltissimoPart 3 of Michelle Anderson’s Altissimo series includes a great discussion of voicing and tongue position that applies outside the scope of altissimo also. Also covers the half-hole technique for smoother slurs into altissimo. Read more
People/Orgs: Michelle Anderson -
Conquer Altissimo Note Recognition with These Flash Cards
in AltissimoOne issue I face when playing altissimo is wading through the visual clutter of ledger lines above the staff to identify the right note. To tackle this problem, I created a flashcard set that trains me to recognize notes. These cards include notes all the way up to super-high C — a rare occurrence in… Read more
People/Orgs: Marilyn Fleming -
Easier Clarinet Altissimo
in AltissimoMichelle Anderson, founder of Clarinet Mentors, presents a technique to improve tone and flexibility in extreme high notes on the clarinet. Downloadable worksheet on YouTube in the video’s description. Read more
People/Orgs: Michelle Anderson -
Fix Clarinet Undertone — 5 Tips
in AltissimoTips from Technical Sargeant Robert Vitale of the US Airforce Academy Band Read more
People/Orgs: US Air Force Academy Band -
Moving Smoothly From Clarion to Altissimo
in AltissimoDebbie demonstrates a series of exercises to improve smooth connections, intonation, and tone quality when transitioning from clarion to altissimo. She also discusses the “long” fingerings for altissimo F and F#. Read more
People/Orgs: Deborah Andrus -
Playing Altissimo A: Tips and Tricks
in AltissimoDebbie demonstrates fingerings for Altissimo A plus finding the harmonic “sweet spot” for playing altissimo notes. Originally recorded November 6, 2019. Read more