In mid 2023 Vandoren released its first synthetic reed, the VK1. The numbering system was totally different from other reeds. Instead of strengths like 3, 3 1/2, it was 35, 40, 45, 40, 55, and 60. Reeds were also quite pricey, 25 to 30% more expensive than Legeres. EarSpasm offered a trial kit with one reed of each strength. Up front you paid full price, but could return all of them for a refund. This video describes my experience with the trial kit.
My trial kit arrived today. As a first experiment, I selected a bunch of reeds and did a somewhat blind comparison. Using my current mouthpiece and ligature, I just put the reed on without over-thinking and played a 3-octave F scale. Your challenge is to listen to the 16 test cases and identify 6 Vk1’s of different strengths, 4 Legere European Cut of different strengths, 4 other synthetics, and 2 canes. Also, which sounds do you like best?
This is not really a fair test, because my mouthpiece is specifically made for Legere European Cut. It has a very short facing and a wide tip to match the reeds — which are extremely thin, have a short vamp, and a short stock. The Vk1 is shaped more like a Vandoren cane reed. It’s extremely thick, has a narrow tip, and an extremely long stock. They will probably work better on a different mpc, and probably with a different ligature too. That’s a future experiment. (Video recorded on Grabner S4P1 mpc, Silverstein Hexa Ligature.)
If you want to cheat, the answers are below the video (upside-down).
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