Category: Breathing Exercises
Breathing exercises from a wide variety of diciplines, not just from clarinetists.
Increase Blood Oxygen Naturally – Two Breathing Exercises
If you want to increase your oxygen absorption and improve your respiratory health, breathing exercises can be very effective. Contrary to popular belief, simply breathing faster is not the solution. In this video, we’ll explore how oxygen and carbon dioxide work together, and some exercises you can do to improve your breathing biomechanics. Be sure… Read more
Instantly increase oxygen into your lungs by doing this – Dr Alan Mandell, DC
Poor posture significantly reduces lung capacity. This is commonly seen in people who spend long hours sitting, looking down on the smartphone and computer. Rounded shoulders and a forward head posture causes muscles to become imbalanced, weakened, and shortened. This simple technique will release those contracted and imbalanced muscles in the upper back region so… Read more
Lawrie Bloom Breathing Exercise
Clarinet tips, programs & resources on Instagram: “Lawrie Bloom. A legend! Try this with a barrel instead of a pipe if you don’t have one. It’s so helpful! For 90 minutes a day, join…” Read more
Three cool breathing exercises to help you with your brass playing
What I particularly like about this video is that the presenter not only describes how to do the exercises, but he explains their purpose. The first exercise expands lung capacity, the second is for relaxation, and the third is similar to the long-tone exercises we do on clarinet. Read more