This material was originally posted in Clarinet Transformation Community in December, 2022. Here’s the link to the original, with discussion (requires CT membership)
I have put together four relatively easy duet play-along tracks. I recorded both parts and a click trick. You can play along in either the low-tech way (put it in your mp3 player) or with software like Audacity, Garage Band, and BandLab. More info, including where to find the files, is in the attached pdf.
It would be great if somebody actually recorded one of these and posted the recording!
Music and Audio Files
Here is a Google Drive folder with music and recordings of four relatively simple duets: Saro Canon, Correlli Sarabande, Yellow Bird, and Berr Duet 2. Each piece has the sheet music plus four audio files (“tracks”). Part1 is the clarinet 1 part, Part2 is clarinet2, and Click is a metronome track. There’s also a “listen” track which puts everything together. Download the files for the song you want to work with to your own computer.
The Google Drive folder is
Low Tech Approach
Figure out which part you want to play. Load the wav file for the other part in your music player (laptop, desktop, tablet, or phone) and start playing. You will hear a couple bars of clicks for precount, then the music starts. Note that the metronome clicks stop when the real music starts. If anybody wants tracks where the metronome plays throughout, I can make them. Or, you can play along with the “listen” recording which has everything on it – both clarinet parts, precount, metronome throughout.
High Tech Approach
If you use multi-track audio editing sofrware such as Audacity (Windows, Mac), Garage Band (Mac, iPad), or BandLab (Chrome Browser), you can make a high quality audio recordings of yourself playing along with me. Quick overview of the steps:
- Load Part1, Part2, and Click tracks into your software.
- Mute the track(s) you don’t want to hear (for example, if you are playing part 1, you probably want to mute my part 1.
- Add a new track and record into it (you will need to wear headphones while recording if you want to publish your final recording). You can re-record as many times as you need to.
- Mute tracks you don’t want on the final recording (like the metronome track) and export your result. You may also want to clip the precount clicks off of my Part1 or Part2.
More details on how to do it:
- Audacity –
- Garage Band –
Here’s what your project file might look like in Audacity:

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