Clarinet Notes

Odds and ends of clarinet tech and training

Bandlab: Simple duets to practice with


Sheet music for easy duets that are good for learning how to play with a computer. Nothing bandlab-specific about the music.

This was originally posted in Clarinet Transformation Community in May, 2022. Here’s the link to the original, with discussion (requires CT membership)

In Saturday’s Tech Talk we discussed about getting started with BandLab. If you want to give it a try:

  1. Using Google Chrome browser on your laptop or desktop computer, go to
  2. Sign up for a free account
  3. Send me your bandlab nickname in a replay to this post. Your nickname is  the thing that starts with @. For example, my own bandlab nickname is @clarinetguidejr. 
  4. Expect an invitation (in your regular email) to join the  Transformation Band. If you don’t get the invite, let me know.

 I have recorded both parts of some simple duets that you can explore or play along with.  Here is the music.  there are several pages in this file, so you probably want to download it. 


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