Number of posts:
- Altissimo Articulation and Harmonics
- Altissimo Techniques and Challenges
- Clarinet High Notes 101, Part 1: Approaching altissimo
- Clarinet High Notes 101, Part 2: Exercises to correct bad habits
- Clarinet High Notes 101, Part 3: Altissimo voicing and the half-hole technique
- Conquer Altissimo Note Recognition with These Flash Cards
- Easier Clarinet Altissimo
- Fix Clarinet Undertone — 5 Tips
- Moving Smoothly From Clarion to Altissimo
- Playing Altissimo A: Tips and Tricks
- Tips to Tame Your Altissimo
- Appoggio Breathing Explained
- Breathing and Embouchure
- Breathing Techniques to Improve Air Support (Clarinet)
- Catch Breath
- Emma Johnson (clarinet) talks about breathing technique
- Engage the Cage
- How to take a breath
- Improve Breath Support with the Hissing Exercise
- Improve your posture with the YWTL exercise
- Poor Lung Function
- Running Out of Breath (Freya Casey)
- Running Out of Breath (New York Vocal)
- Taking short breaths at fast tempo
- The Singer’s Breath
- Victoria’s Breathing Playlist
Breathing Exercises
- A Breathing Exercise to Improve Oxygen Levels
- Appoggio
- Best breathing tools for wind musicians
- Breathing and Posture Exercise
- Breathing Exercise to Improve Your Airflow
- Breathing Exercises for Brass Players
- Breathing Gym
- Correct Breathing For Saxophone – The Ultimate Guide!
- Farinelli Breathing Exercise
- How to expand your lung capacity – guided breathing exercise for wind instruments
- Increase Blood Oxygen Naturally – Two Breathing Exercises
- Instantly increase oxygen into your lungs by doing this – Dr Alan Mandell, DC
- Lawrie Bloom Breathing Exercise
- Three cool breathing exercises to help you with your brass playing
Clarinet Maintenance and Repair
Cognitive Science
- Attentional Focus: What to think about when you practice and why it matters
- Dr. Molly’s Tips for Effective Practice
- From Good to Awesome: How to bring a piece to performance level
- How Our Memory Works, with implications for learning and memorizing music
- Interleaved Clicking Up: A new practice strategy for faster fingers
- Learning How to Learn
- Lest we Forget (to practice one of those things we’re supposed to do “every day”)
- Neuroscience Practice Hacks: Transform your practice routine with these strategies
- Recording your clarinet practice: How to do it, why to do it, and what to look/listen for after you do it.
- The Leitner System – a randomization strategy for efficient and effective practice
- Tips for Effective Practice
- Variable Practice vs Fixed Practice – What’s the difference? Which is best?
Collaboration – BandLab
- Bandlab as a “slowdowner”
- Bandlab as accompaniment for live performance over Zoom
- BandLab Collaboration Experiment
- Bandlab: Simple duets to practice with
- Bandlab: two recording perspectives
- Introduction to Bandlab on Desktop/Laptop
- Introduction to Bandlab on iPad
- Looping in Bandlab
- Real world example of recording a duet in Bandlab
Collaboration – Easy Virtual Choir
Collaboration – Other
- Are You Using The Right Reed Strength?
- Best breathing tools for wind musicians
- Clarinet gadgets from A to Z
- First look at Vandoren VK1 synthetic reeds
- Michael Lowenstern and wife review Vandoren VK1 Synthetic Reeds
- Review of “all” synthetic reed brands
- Studio Microphone Buyers Guide
- Vandoren Clarinet Reeds: Quick play-test comparing Traditional, V12, 56 Rue le Pic, and V21
General Interest
Health and Wellness
Lung Function
- Arnold Jacobs Breathing Exercises
- Belly Breathing vs. Abdominal Opposition – BETTER Way to Breathe for Health and Performance (2021)
- Breathing Exercises for Wind Instruments
- Breathing Part I – Arnold Jacobs “Almost Live”
- Calculating Vital Capacity with AiroFit
- Cardio Lung Exercises: Breathing Exercises to Increase Lung Capacity for Lung Strength with Cardio
- How To Breathe Properly | Posture Therapist Explains Why Belly breathing Is NOT The Best Technique
- Poor posture impedes breathing
- The Effect of Exercise on Lungs
- TPTV – Arnold Jacobs: Breathing
- TPTV – Arnold Jacobs: Using Too Little Air & Development of Habits
- Enthusiasts Masterclass with Mary Alice Druhan
- Fantasia from Weber Quintet Op. 34
- Kovacs Hommage a De Falla Masterclass with Deborah Andrus
- Kovacs Hommage a De Falla Masterclass with Michelle Anderson (Fanfares)
- Kovacs Hommage a De Falla Masterclass with Michelle Anderson (Part 3)
- Marilyn’s Recital History
- Does YouTube reduce dynamic range of recordings?
- Investing in an iPad Tablet
- Recording and Uploading Videos
- Setting the pre-amp gain on your mic
- Setting up my new Blue Yeti mic
- Test your Dynamic Range
- Turn Original Sound ON before playing clarinet in a Zoom meeting
- Zoom settings for clarinet performance (2023)
- Etude Series Training Videos
- Protected: Mastering Music Club Index for the Emerging Clarinetist
- Protected: Mastering Music Club Index for the Intermediate Clarinetist
- Protected: Mastering Music Club Index Series: FAQ
- Repertoire Ideas for the Advanced Clarinetist
- Repertoire Ideas for the Emerging Clarinetist
- Repertoire Ideas for the Intermediate Clarinetist
- Repertoire Ideas Series: FAQ
- Better Clarinet Reed Placement
- Clarinet Reed Position – A little change makes a difference how your clarinet feels
- Clarinet Tone Quality Part 1: Air
- Eliminate Throat Tension for a More Resonant Sound
- Improving Your Clarinet Sound — 3 Tips
- Posture (Emma Johnson)
- Proper Air Support for Clarinetists
- Using overtones to create your most beautiful clarinet sound.
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